A clinic in flames. Two boys go away in the night, paradoxically without haste ... waiting for a dirty freedom and the intention of a desire consumed in evil. They wear the same shirt and heavy olive-green, with an elastic waist, which hangs down the back without curb the instinct, the steps into the sunset and beyond hell of reason. To look at them they are so similar. Both with a shaved head. The average height of Elah is roughly that of Samuel, nor will dissociate to bony build, slow, much less sexual distinction, but they are behind, a kind of bait and switch, because to reverse the point of view must arm themselves with courage. Everything changes irrevocably and not referring to the mere finding of bad - absolutely debatable, subjective - as to the perception of a foreboding that damage. She teenager disturbed by the gestures child, silent and seemingly helpless. It has large eyes and blacks look pale with a feeling unpronounceable. The angular features and nose are softened irregular along the fleshy mouth, which begins a long scar that exceeds the chin until it was lost behind the right ear, to form the incomplete infinity sign, the letter "S". For Samuel disfigures, does not violate the beautiful skin of the only creature capable of making desire to reach the weakness, the heat that escapes as Madrid suffering from albinism, which nell'anomalo candor, with restless eyes that seem cangiarsi suddenly, peering and destabilize a malevolent youth. Like something pure and outraged at the same time, the regular features that describe between banality and uncontrollable disorder he has, that gives an identity amorphous, ductile why, in complying with changing the substance of the pain inflicted without conscience and that white dress of helpless fear. An ethereal lethal twenty-four years, while Ela has only fourteen.
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